About this blog...

I started this blog in response to a request for an interpretation. I'm willing to interpret dreams as time allows, so feel free to request, but don't be mad if it takes a while. I have a kid and other stuff going on. :)

I am not aware of any psychic abilities in me. I'm not an experienced dream interpreter. The first time I did this for someone, I did it to see if I COULD. I do not feel particularly gifted in this area, but I am willing to see if any of this stuff means anything to the people I'm doing it for.

I am using a book as a jumping off point. Mary Summer Rain's Guide to Dream Symbols. I'm looking up keywords or elements of a person's dream. Then hopefully I get a feeling for the direction of the dream and I give it some freedom to see if it goes anywhere. I also read Tarot sometimes, and I do the same thing there... getting the meaning of some elements of the cards and letting them percolate in my head till I get a "read" of them.

If your dream ends up here, take it with a grain of salt. Maybe what I interpret has NOTHING to do with the real meaning... if any. Or maybe it rings true for you. If so, I hope it helps!

3 dreams for my flying friend...

Ok, you can't read her original dreams because her blog is set private. So, only her friends will "get" the interpretations. Deal with it. muah!

Dream #1 (the old recurring dream) - I don't know that this one needs interpretation really. It's kind of obvious. It sounds like a stress-induced dream. have you ever tried "lucid dreaming"? You can teach yourself to do it, maybe google it? Possibly when you have an unpleasant recurring dream, if you take over the dream through lucid dreaming, you can solve the impossible situation and thus "end" the dream. Just a thought.

Dream #2 - the rat dream
Basement - subconscious mind
Cages - something that prevents the exercise of one's rights or freedom, may pertain to dreamer
rats - "diseased" element in one's life
back (anatomy) - unseen or unanticipated event
starvation - serious lack of a nourishing element in one's life; absence of mental, emotional, or spiritual nourishment.
death - termination, finality
running - attempt to escape or catch up

I usually consider the unknown "someone" in a dream like this to actually be a part of yourself. Otherwise, the person would be identifiable as someone ELSE. Since some dreams are an attempt by your mind to work stuff out, it makes sense that you bring another part of yourself to witness or help you. So in this one it seems like you are trying to deal with a feeling of being "caged" or restricted from doing something you want to do. But what is restricting you is something that has become "dis-eased" from lack of nourishment. Your feeling of confusion that this happened when you'd never have let it happen consciously suggests either that you lacked control over this or were prevented from seeing it (it was unseen or unanticipated). The situation makes you feel as if there's nothing you can do (finality) yet, when nourishment is provided and you remove the rat and put it in a door-less cage, it runs around... which means there is hope because it is no longer restricted. Get the mental, emotional or spiritual nourishment you need.

Dream #3 - Turtles
Apartment - a personal need to be around others
Hallway - suggests a transition
Turtle - fear of facing responsibility or reality
Key - problematic solutions
Door - something in life that must be passed through to achieve advancement or progress on life's path
Five - Change
journey - upcoming time of discovery or search

Here you are again with that unknown someone, probably a part of yourself. You are at a very pivotal time, on the threshold of discovery, change and moving through an important phase of your life path. The turtles, representing fear of facing responsibility or reality (red - anger, yellow - contentment) are moving on a path as well, but not to the door, they are moving down the hallway. Change and transitions can be scary, especially when we're looking at some problematic solutions that we have to go through, and sometimes we hold on to what is familiar even if it holds us back. Sometimes we are even content holding on to fear because it is familiar. So when you say you want to keep the little turtle, that other part of yourself knows that you shouldn't, not if you want to move on unencumbered. It's good that this other part of yourself took a more active role in this dream. It means you are opening up to hear what you need to hear to help you. And you are letting go of those things that are holding you back. This is another good thing. Now you just need to put that key in the door and go on through. :)


Dagny said...


You are so good Michelle!

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!


Julie said...

That's utterly fascinating.

Great job!

Michele said...

I'm glad they mean something to you. :) I didn't think interpreting would ever work for me, but I guess it's like finding the right tarot deck... those never worked for me either till I found a few decks that I could see the patterns in. This new book I have has really helped open me up to the patterns in the dreams I've worked on so far.